Quotation Explorer - 'Sophie Scholl'

Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves as we did. - Sophie Scholl
I know that life is a doorway to eternity, and yet my heart so often gets lost in petty anxieties. It forgets the great way home that lies before it. - Sophie Scholl
I am, now as before, of the opinion that I did the best that I could do for my nation. I therefore do not regret my conduct and will bear the consequences that result from my conduct. - Sophie Scholl
How can we expect fate to let a righteous cause prevail when there is hardly anyone who will give himself up undividedly to a righteous cause? - Sophie Scholl
Dear God, you created us in your likeness, our hearts are uneasy until they find you - From the film - Sophie Scholl
An end in terror is preferable to terror without end. - Sophie Scholl
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